
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. 


General conditions of Sale


Art. 1 General Provisions

These general conditions of online sale (hereinafter "GCS") govern the sales contract (hereinafter, the "Contract") of the products (hereinafter, the "product" or "products") offered by I Piccoli Dettagli, brand distributed by SD Laser srl based in via Pietro Nenni 22 in Treviglio BG, CF / VAT number 06906903670963 Registered in the REA, number: BG-398865, (hereinafter the "seller"), through its website ( hereinafter, the "site") to users of the site (hereinafter, the "customers" or the "customer").


· These general conditions of sale are understood to refer only and exclusively to customers who qualify as "consumers" pursuant to art. 3, co. 1, lett. a), of Legislative Decree 6 September 2005, n. 206, ie "natural persons acting for purposes unrelated to any business or professional activity carried out".


· The customer declares to have read all the above information and general conditions of sale, before placing the order. The customer also declares to have the legal capacity to undertake in accordance with the provisions of these general conditions.


· Company data:
SD Laser srl
Via Pietro Nenni 22
24047 Treviglio - Bergamo
P.I. 06906903670963
Tel : +39.0363-304946

The Customer declares to have read all the information and general conditions of sale, before placing the order.


Art. 2 – Object


These general conditions of sale have as their object the definition of the rights and obligations of the parties in the context of a distance sale of goods offered in the online store


Art. 3 – Territory and coverage of the offer


This version of the general conditions of sale refers exclusively to sales made to consumers having their domicile or residence in Italy.

Art. 4 Contractual documents


This contract consists of the following documents:

· These general conditions of sale

· The order confirmation

The photographs illustrating the products on the site do not fall within the contractual field and are shown for descriptive purposes only.

Art. 5 – Receipt of the Order


Any order confirmation signed by the validation click constitutes an irrevocable commitment of the customer that can be called into question only in the cases provided for by this contract in the articles "Right of withdrawal" and "Execution of the order".

Art. 6 - Acceptance of the Order


The conclusion of the contract will take place only upon confirmation of the order by the seller.


· The customer will receive by email a notification of receipt showing the order confirmation with all the constituent elements of the contract.


· The seller reserves the right not to confirm an order for any reason relating in particular to a problem in the preparation of the products, or to a problem concerning the order received.


The seller cannot be held responsible for errors in delivery due to inaccuracies or incompleteness in the compilation of the purchase order by the customer and cannot also be held responsible for any damage that may have occurred to the products after delivery to the carrier in charge of the their transport as well as for delays in delivery attributable to the latter.

Art. 7 - Availability of Products


· The offers contained in this site will be valid as long as the products listed remain online and while stocks last.


The seller also reserves the right to notify the customer, within 20 days of purchase, at the email address associated with his profile, of any unavailability of one or more of the products purchased.

In the case of purchase of a product that is no longer available, the seller will refund the price and shipping costs incurred by the customer. However, the unavailability of one or more of the products ordered will not give the customer the right to cancel the entire order.

Art. 8 - Prices and Invoicing


· Prices are expressed in Euros and include VAT. They do not include any shipping costs, which will be indicated in the order confirmation.


· The initial price on which the discount is applied is the list price indicated on the site.


· If you want an invoice, you must specify it when ordering, indicating the complete VAT number and / or Tax Code or send an email to specifying the order number and the aforementioned data.



Art. 9 – Payment


· The customer who intends to proceed with the purchase of the products must express this desire through a request made directly on the site, in the specifically dedicated section, where, following the procedures indicated therein, he will send his purchase order and make the payment.


· The payment of the consideration is due from the time of the order. The customer undertakes to pay the agreed price for the product ordered on the site (price of the products and transport) using the available payment methods.


· Once the desired products have been selected, they will be added to the cart. It will be sufficient to follow the instructions for purchasing, entering or verifying the information requested in each step of the process. Order details can be changed before payment.

Payment can be made via Paypal, bank transfer, Satispay and cash on delivery.


In case of non-receipt by the seller of the payment, the seller reserves the right to cancel the order.


Art. 10 – Passing of risk

· The risks relating to the products will be borne by the buyer from the time of delivery. The ownership of the products is considered acquired as soon as the full payment of all amounts due in relation to them, including shipping costs, is received, or at the time of delivery, if this occurs at a later time.

Art. 11 - Delivery


· I Piccoli Dettagli carries out shipments throughout the Italian territory.


· I Piccoli Dettagli will only deliver to the user's home, provided at the time of purchase.


· Delivery is generally made within 5-10 days, or, if no delivery date is specified, within the estimated deadline at the time of selecting the delivery method and, in any case, within a maximum period of thirty days from the date of delivery confirmation.


· If delivery is not possible, the order will be sent to the warehouse. In this case, a notice will specify the place where the order is located and how to agree on a new delivery. 


· If you are unable to be present at the place of delivery at the agreed time, we ask you to contact us again to agree on a new delivery date.


· If the delivery cannot take place for reasons not attributable to us after thirty days from the date on which the order is available for delivery, we will assume that we intend to terminate the contract. 


· As a result of the termination, the amounts will be returned, including delivery costs with the exclusion of any additional costs deriving from the choice of a delivery method other than the ordinary method offered without undue delay and, in any case, within 30 days from the date of delivery. termination of the contract, the transport resulting from the termination of the contract may have additional costs that will be borne by the buyer.


· Shipping costs are charged to the buyer explicitly highlighted at the time the order is placed.


Art. 12 - Withdrawal


· In accordance with the legal provisions in force, the buyer has the right to withdraw from the purchase without any penalty and without specifying the reason, within the term of 14 days pursuant to art. 57 of Legislative Decree 206/2005 starting from the date of receipt of the products. 


· In the case of multiple purchases made by the buyer with a single order and delivered separately, the 30-day term starts from the date of receipt of the last product.



· The user who intends to exercise the right of withdrawal from the purchase can send an email, indicating the order number and name of the user, to:


· The buyer must exercise the right of withdrawal also by sending any explicit declaration containing the decision to withdraw from the contract or alternatively send the standard withdrawal form, as per Annex I, part B, Legislative Decree 21/2014, not mandatory.


· The goods must be returned to:


24047 Treviglio (BG) in Via Pietro Nenni 22 


· The goods must be returned intact, in the original packaging, complete in all its parts and complete with the attached tax documentation. Without prejudice to the right to verify compliance with the above, the site will refund the amount of the products subject to withdrawal within a maximum period of 30 days, including any shipping costs.


· The right of withdrawal will not apply in the event that the products of are included in the categories of art. 59 of Legislative Decree 206/2005


· SD Laser srl will make the refund using the same payment method used by the buyer during the purchase. Otherwise, you can use bank transfer and the buyer will have to provide the bank details: IBAN, SWIFT and BIC necessary for the refund. 


Art. 13- Guarantee

· In order to avoid any inconvenience, the products are subjected to sample verification by the seller before being shipped. However, the customer benefits from the manufacturer's guarantee.


· The warranty does not cover damage, breakages or malfunctions due to failure to comply with the precautions for use.


· To activate the guarantee, the customer returns the product to the seller at his own expense, attaching the original invoice, if in possession of it.


· The product will be exchanged for an identical product and sent to the customer at the seller's expense, except in the event of out of stock or discontinued production of the range proposed by the seller. In the latter case, the seller will refund the price of the product to the customer.


Art. 14 - Data processing


· The buyer's data are processed in accordance with the provisions of the legislation on personal protection, as specified in the appropriate section containing the information pursuant to art. 13 EU Regulation 2016/679 (Privacy Policy).


Art. 15 - Contacts


· Any request for information can be sent by e-mail to the following address, by telephone to the following telephone number +39 0363-304946 and by post to the following address Via Pietro Nenni 24047 Treviglio BG


Art. 16 - Applicable law and competent court



· These General Conditions of Sale are governed by Italian law and interpreted on the basis of it, without prejudice to any other prevailing imperative rule of the buyer's country of habitual residence. Consequently, the interpretation, execution and termination of the General Conditions of Sale are subject exclusively to Italian law.


· Any disputes inherent and / or consequent to the same must be resolved exclusively by the Italian judicial authority. In particular, if the buyer qualifies as a Consumer, any disputes must be resolved by the court of the place of domicile or residence of the same according to the applicable law.


These conditions were drawn up on 30/06/2020.